Not sure if our software is right for you?

Why not take a test drive before you purchase. Any entries you make in the demo program can be easily saved if you later decide to purchase the program.

Consultant Front Office Downloadable Demo

The demo version of Consultant Front Office is exactly like the licensed one except for the number of records that can be saved. You can even customize your demo by importing company-specific product and business information. If you decide to purchase the software, you will be given a Key Code that convert's your demo into a fully-licensed installation, including all of your demo program entries!

Downloading Instructions

  1. Click on the Download Demo button below. If you encounter a JavaScript error, try clicking on the link immediately below the button.
  2. Choose Save this program to disk.
  3. Select Desktop in the Save in box at the top of the Save As window.
  4. Click on Save.
  5. Once downloading is complete, locate the icon entitled cfo1demo.exe on your Windows Desktop and double click on it to begin the installation. Accepting the default settings throughout the installation procedure is recommended for most users.
  6. Please be sure to select your direct selling company's name when prompted to do so during the demo installation. This will ensure that company-specific product and business information gets pre-loaded into your software.

Download Demo


Microsoft Warnings When Installing or Running Consultant Front Office

Windows checks every program for a valid "Publisher" before allowing it to be installed or to be run. It is our belief that this requirement does little to ensure the security of your computer, while adding significantly to the cost and complexity of offering a software application, so Consultant Front Office will always show up as software for which the publisher is "Unknown".

When downloading the installation program for Consultant Front Office, particularly on a computer running Windows Vista or higher, you may receive warnings that the publisher is "Unknown" and that the software represents a risk to your computer. On Windows 7 machines and lower, it will generally still be clear how to run the installation program in spite of this warning. On Windows 8 machines, you may be presented with a large red box entitled "Microsoft protected your PC" where the option to continue running the installation program is not obvious. In order to choose to override this warning and continue with the installation, you will need to click on the link that reads "More info" and then click on the button that reads "Run anyway". This will then allow the installation to proceed.

Likewise, when running the software on your computer, and depending on your computer's security settings, Windows may warn you each time you start up your Consultant Front Office software, that the publisher is "Unknown". Changing certain security settings on your computer can eliminate this warning, but the decision to make these changes is left up to you. Our assurance to you is that assuming you downloaded the program from our website and that your antivirus software did not detect any corruption of the installation file, the program will be safe to run on your computer.