"I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this software! I bought it before my starter kit arrived from my company because I knew it had great potential to help me with my business. It has lived up to my every expectation and I am sure that version 9 is going to be awesome! Thank you for all you do!!"

What do consultants from Avon, Arbonne, BeautiControl, The Body Shop At Home, Close To My Heart, Herbalife, Homemade Gourmet, Jafra, Leaving Prints, Mannatech, Mary Kay, Once Upon A Family, PartyLite, Pure Romance, SeneGence, Silpada Designs, Slumberparties, Southern Living At HOME, Stampin' Up, Tastefully Simple and Tupperware all have in common? They use MLM Easy Money to get organized, improve their customer followup, handle their business accounting, and manage their tax record keeping.

Multi-level contact, downline and financial accounting management at an affordable price.

More complete and easier to use than QuickBooks, PeachTree, ACT, Outlook, Nutshell, Business Manager, Constant Contact or eCards and tailored specifically for your business. This is the software you need to manage your business effectively.

Instructions for Licensing a Demo Program or Upgrading from a Previous Version (all editions)

IMPORTANT: This download capability is only provided for the current version of Consultant Front Office. We strongly recommend that you make a copy of the demo program installation file for future use.


  1. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the program you will want to create a backup file in your current program using the Backup option on the File menu before installing the new version.
  2. Download and install the Consultant Front Office demo program if you haven't already done so - Download Consultant Front Office Demo.
  3. Install the program and step through the initial setup.
  4. If you have data from another installation or from an earlier version of the program that you would like to transfer into your new installation, open the new installation and use the Restore option on the File menu to bring your data in from the backup file. (If you do not have a backup file, but do have a copy of the data from an old hard drive, you can use one of the automatic backup files created by the program. These files are located in the following directory: C:\Program Files\CFO11\Backup Auto or possibly C:\Program Files (x86)\CFO11\Backup Auto).
  5. To obtain a Key Code for your new installation, click on the Purchase... option on the Help menu to open the Program Licensing window.
  6. Then click on the link that reads "Request a Key Code after ordering..." to go to our online Key Code Request form.
  7. Complete the online form, then click on Submit Request.
  8. When we respond, copy and paste the Key Code we send you into the Key Code box in the Program Licensing window, then click OK.